BRITISHSTANDARD BS EN12056-5:2000The European Standard EN 12056-5:2000 hasthe status of aBritish StandardICS 91.140.80NO COPYING WITHOUT BSIPERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWGravitydrainagesystems insidebuildings Part 5: Installation andtesting,instructions for operation, maintenanceand useLicensedCopy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University,Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIThisBritish Standard, havingbeen prepared under thedirection of theSectorCommittee for Building and CivilEngineering, was publishedunderthe authority of the StandardsCommittee and comes intoeffecton 15 September 2000 BSI 09-2000ISBN 0 580 36443 7BS EN12056-5:2000Amendments issued since publicationAmd. No. DateCommentsNational forewordThis British Standard is the officialEnglish language version of EN 12056-5:2000.The UK participation inits preparation was entrusted by Technical CommitteeB/505,Wastewater engineering, to Subcommittee B/505/21, Roof drainageandsanitary pipework, which has the responsibility to: aidenquirers to understand the text; present to the responsibleEuropean committee any enquiries on theinterpretation, or proposalsfor change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor relatedinternational and European developments and promulgatethem in theUK.A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can beobtained on requestto its secretary.Cross-referencesThe BritishStandards which implement international or Europeanpublicationsreferred to in this document may be found in the BSIStandards Catalogue under thesection entitled InternationalStandards Correspondence Index, or by using theFind facility of theBSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.A British Standard does notpurport to include all the necessary provisions of acontract. Usersof British Standards are responsible for their correctapplication.Compliance with a British Standard does not of itselfconfer immunityfrom legal obligations.Summary of pagesThis documentcomprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN titlepage,pages 2 to 19 and a back cover.The BSI copyright noticedisplayed in this document indicates when the documentwas lastissued.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London SouthBank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, UncontrolledCopy, (c) BSIEUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPENNEEUROPlSCHE NORMEN12056-5June 2000lCS 91.140.80English versionGravity drainagesystems inside buildings - Part 5: lnstallationand testing,instructions for operation, maintenance and useRseaux d'vacuationgravitaire l'intrieur des btiments -Partie 5: Mise en uvre, essai,instructions de service,d'exploitation etd'entretienSchwerkraftentwsserungsanlagen innerhalb vonGebuden -Teil 5: lnstallation und Prfung, Anleitung frBetrieb, Wartung undGebrauchThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 27 October1999.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC lnternalRegulations which stipulate the conditions for giving thisEuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without anyalteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical referencesconcerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application tothe Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standardexists in three official versions (English, French, German). Aversion in any other language made by translationunder theresponsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notifiedto the Central Secretariat has the same status as theofficialversions.CEN members are the national standards bodies ofAustria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,Germany, Greece,lceland, lreland, ltaly, Luxembourg, Netherlands,Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and UnitedKingdom.(8523($1 &200,77(( )25 67$1'$5',=$7,21&20, 7e(8523e(1 '( 1250$/, 6$7, 21(8523b, 6&+(6 .20, 7(( )h5125081*CentraI Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 BrusseIs2000 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any meansreservedworldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN12056-5:2000 ELicensed Copy: London South Bank University, LondonSouth Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008,Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 2EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-2000Foreword51 Scope 62 Normative References 73 Definitions 83.1 GeneraI 83.1.1Waste water 83.1.2 Domestic waste water 83.1.3 Trade effluent83.1.4 Grey water 83.1.5 Black water 83.1.6 Rainwater 83.1.7 Floodlevel 83.1.8 Drainage system 83.1.9 Combined system 83.1.10Separatesystem 83.2 Pipes and fittings 83.2.1 Sanitary pipework 83.2.2Nominal diameter (DN 83.2.3 nternal diameter (Gi) 83.2.4 Externaldiameter(Ga) 93.2.5 Minimum internal diameter (Gi min) 93.2.6Branch discharge pipe 93.2.7 Square entry 93.2.8 Swept entry 93.2.9Connection bend 93.2.10Discharge stack 93.2.11Stack offset93.2.12Drain 93.2.13Filling degree 93.3 VentiIating pipework andfittings 93.3.1 Ventilating pipe 93.3.2 Branch ventilating pipe93.3.3 Stack vent 93.3.4 Ventilating stack 93.3.5 Air admittancevalve 93.4 AppIiances 93.4.1 Domestic sanitary appliances 93.4.2Non-domestic sanitary appliances 103.4.3 Floor gully 103.4.4 Trap103.4.5 Depth of water seal (+) 10Licensed Copy: London South BankUniversity, London South Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 3EN 12056-5:2000 BS09-20003.5 CaIcuIation 113.5.1 Discharge unit (DU) 113.5.2Frequency factor (. 113.5.3 Waste water flow rate (4ww) 113.5.4Continuous flow rate (4c) 113.5.5 Pumped water flow rate(4p)113.5.6 Total flow rate (4tot) 113.5.7 Hydraulic capacity(4max)113.5.8 Air flow rate (4a) 114 Storage and transport 125 GeneraIrequirements 125.1 GeneraI 125.2 Waste water discharge pipework125.3 Gradient 125.4 Sanitary appIiance 125.5 Safety precautions125.6 StabiIity of sanitary pipework 126 InstaIIation of wastewater pipes 136.1 Fixing 136.2 Jointing 136.3 Fixing and supporting136.4 Changes of directions and branch pipe connections 136.5Connection of pipes of different materiaIs and sizes 136.6 ThermaImovement 136.7 InstaIIation in concrete or other fiIIs 137InstaIIation of sanitary appIiances 137.1 Fixing 137.2 Connection138 Fire protection 14Licensed Copy: London South Bank University,London South Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008,Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 4EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-20009 SoundinsuIation 1410 Instructions for operation, maintenance and use1411 Testing 14Annex A (informative) 15A.1 NationaI and IocaIreguIations and practice 15Licensed Copy: London South BankUniversity, London South Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 5EN 12056-5:2000 BS09-2000ForewordThis European Standard has been prepared byTechnical Committee CEN/TC 165 "Wastewater engineering", thesecretariat of which is held by DN.This European Standard shall begiven the status of a national standard, either bypublication of anidentical text or by endorsement, at the latest by December 2000,andconflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latestby June 2001.This part is the fifth in a series relating to thefundamental requirements of gravity drainagesystems insidebuildings. There will be five parts, as follows: Gravity drainagesystemsinside buildings:Part 1: General and performancerequirementsPart 2: Sanitary pipework - Layout and calculationPart3: Roof drainage - Layout and calculationPart 4: Waste waterlifting plants - Layout and calculationPart 5: nstallation andtesting, instructions for operation, maintenance and useAccordingto the CEN/CENELEC nternal Regulations, the national standardsorganizationsof the following countries are bound to implement thisEuropean Standard: Austria, Belgium,Czech Republic, Denmark,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, celand, reland, taly,Luxembourg,Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and theUnitedKingdom.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, LondonSouth Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008,Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 6EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-20001ScopeThis European Standard applies to waste water drainage systemswhich operate undergravity. t is applicable for drainage systemsinside dwellings, commercial, institutional andindustrialbuildings.Differences in plumbing within Europe have led to avariety of systems being developed.Some of the major systems in useare described but this standard has not attempted todetail theintricacies of each system. Detailed information additional to thatcontained in thisstandard may be obtained by referring to thetechnical documents listed in Annex A.This fifth part of thestandard sets out the principles, which should be followedwheninstalling and maintaining waste water and rainwater gravitydrainage systems.t deals with fixing, support, containment ofthermal movement, protection andaccessibility of the system.Alldrawings in this standard are given as examples and are notintended to exclude anyother system configuration.Licensed Copy:London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 7EN12056-5:2000 BS 09-20002 Normative referencesThis European Standardincorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions fromotherpublications. These normative references are cited at theappropriate places in the text andthe publications are listedhereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments toorrevisions of any of these publications apply to this EuropeanStandard only whenincorporated in it by amendment or revision. Forundated references the latest edition of thepublication referred toapplies.EN 12056-1: Gravity drainage systems inside buildingsPart1: General and performance requirementsEN 12056-2: Gravity drainagesystems inside buildingsPart 2: Sanitary pipework - Layout andcalculationEN 12056-3: Gravity drainage systems insidebuildingsPart 3: Roof drainage - Layout and calculationEN 12056-4:Gravity drainage systems inside buildingsPart 4: Waste waterlifting plants - Layout and calculationLicensed Copy: London SouthBank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 8EN 12056-5:2000 BS09-20003 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this European Standard, thefollowing definitions apply:3.1 GeneraI3.1.1 waste waterwater whichis contaminated by use and all water discharging into the drainagesystem; e.g.domestic and trade effluent, condensate water and alsorainwater when discharged in awaste water drainage system3.1.2domestic waste waterwater which is contaminated by use and normallydischarged from WC, shower, bath, bidet,wash basin, sink, floorgully3.1.3 trade effIuentwater after industrial use and processescontaminated / polluted water including coolingwater3.1.4 greywaterwaste water not containing faecal matter or urine3.1.5 bIackwaterwaste water containing faecal matter3.1.6 rainwaterwaterresulting from natural precipitation that has not been deliberatelycontaminated3.1.7 fIood IeveIthe maximum level to which waste watercan rise within a drainage system3.1.8 drainage systema systemcomposed of drainage equipment, and other components collectingwaste waterand discharging by means of gravity. Effluent liftingplant may be part of a gravity drainagesystem.3.1.9 combinedsystema drainage system for both rain and waste water in a singlepipe3.1.10 separate systema drainage system for draining rain andwaste water separately by dedicated pipework3.2 Pipes andfittings3.2.1 sanitary pipeworkarrangement of discharge pipework,with or without ventilating pipes, connected to adrainagesystemNote: For the purposes of this standard "pipework includepipes and fittings.3.2.2 nominaI diameter (DNnumerical designationof size which is a convenient round number approximately equaltothe diameter in mm3.2.3 internaI diameter (Gi)mean internaldiameter of the pipe barrel at any cross sectionLicensed Copy:London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 9EN12056-5:2000 BS 09-20003.2.4 externaI diameter(Ga)mean externaldiameter of the pipe barrel at any cross section3.2.5 minimuminternaI diameter (Gi min)smallest internal diameter allowed withmaximum tolerance3.2.6 branch discharge pipepipe connectingsanitary appliances to a discharge stack or drain3.2.7 squareentryequal branch junction that is more than 45, or has a centreline radius less than the internalpipe diameter3.2.8 sweptentryequal branch junction that is at 45 or less, or has a centreline radius not less than theinternal pipe diameter3.2.9 connectionbendfirst fitting in direction of flow after trap outlet3.2.10discharge stackmain (generally vertical) pipe, conveying dischargesfrom sanitary appliances3.2.11 stack offsetnon vertical part of adischarge stack3.2.12 drainnear horizontal pipe suspended within abuilding or buried in the ground to which stacks orground floorappliances are connected3.2.13 fiIIing degreeproportion of waterdepth (K) to the inside diameter (Gi)3.3 VentiIating pipework andfittings3.3.1 ventiIating pipepipe provided to limit the pressurefluctuations within the discharge pipe system3.3.2 branchventiIating pipeventilating pipe connected to a branch dischargepipe3.3.3 stack ventextension of a vertical discharge pipe abovethe highest branch discharge pipe connectionthat terminates in anend, open to the atmosphere3.3.4 ventiIating stackmain verticalventilating pipe, connected to a discharge stack, to limit pressurefluctuationswithin the discharge stack3.3.5 air admittancevaIvevalve that allows air to enter the system but not to escape inorder to limit pressurefluctuations within the sanitary pipework3.4AppIiances3.4.1 domestic sanitary appIiancesfixed appliancessupplied with water and used for cleaning or washing. For example:bath,shower, wash basin, bidet, WC, urinal, sink, dishwasher,washing machineLicensed Copy: London South Bank University, LondonSouth Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008,Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 10EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-20003.4.2non-domestic sanitary appIiancesspecial sanitary appliances used incommercial kitchens, laundries, laboratories, hospitals,hotels,swimming-pools etc.3.4.3 fIoor guIIydischarge fitting intended toreceive water from floors either through apertures in a gratingorfrom pipes connected to the body of the gully. A gully may includea trap.3.4.4 trapdevice that prevents the passage of foul air bymeans of water seal3.4.5 depth of water seaI (+)the depth of waterwhich would have to be removed from a fully charged trap beforegasesand odours at atmospheric pressure could pass through the trapshown as + in Figure 2Figure 1 - Water depth in trapLicensed Copy:London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 11EN12056-5:2000 BS 09-20003.5 CaIcuIation3.5.1 discharge unit (DU)theaverage discharge rate of a sanitary appliance expressed in litresper second (l/s)3.5.2 frequency factor (.variable to take accountof the frequency of use of sanitary appliances (dimensionless)3.5.3waste water fIow rate (4ww)total design flow rate from sanitaryappliances in a drainage system or in a part of adrainage system inlitres per second (l/s)3.5.4 continuous fIow rate (4c)flow rate ofall continuous flows e.g. cooling water etc. in litres per second(l/s)3.5.5 pumped water fIow rate(4p)discharge rate of waste waterpumps in litres per second (l/s)3.5.6 totaI fIow rate (4tot)thetotal flow rate is the sum of the waste water flow rate (4ww) andcontinuous flow rate (4c)and pumped water flow rate (4p), in litresper second (l/s)3.5.7 hydrauIic capacity(4max)maximum flow rate ofwater permitted in a branch, stack or drain in litres per second(l/s)3.5.8 air fIow rate (4a)minimum flow rate of air through aventilating pipe or air admittance valve, measured at250 Pascal(Pa) pressure drop, in litres per second (l/s)Licensed Copy: LondonSouth Bank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan 1509:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 12EN12056-5:2000 BS 09-20004 Storage and transportComponents forwastewater discharge systems shall be handled carefully andbeprotected against dirt and damage when stored and transported.They shall be storedaccording to the manufacturers' instructions.5GeneraI requirements5.1 GeneraIThe installation of a wastewaterdischarge system is divided into the installation ofwastewaterpipework and the connection of the sanitary appliances. t isessentialthat the pipework once installed is not disturbed bysubsequent construction work orfollowing trades. This requiresclose co-operation and co-ordination of designer andthe installingtrades.5.2 Waste water discharge pipeworkWastewater dischargepipework shall to be installed according to the designandcalculation requirements of EN 12056-2. The design route of thepipework shall befollowed.5.3 GradientWastewater discharge pipesshall be installed to the designed gradient and draincompletelyexcept where installations are designed to run full bore todischargerainwater in syphonic systems (see EN 12056-3) and thepressure pipework of wastewater lifting plants (see EN 12056-4).5.4Sanitary appIianceThroughout the building process checks shall bemade to ensure that the connectionpoints of the waste waterpipework to sanitary appliances and their water supplypoints arecorrectly sited.5.5 Safety precautionsnformation on the location ofgas, water supply, electrical power supply, and otherservices shallbe made available in order to ensure that the wastewaterinstallationcan proceed and be used safely.5.6 StabiIity ofsanitary pipeworkSanitary pipework is not part of the load bearingstructure. There shall be nounauthorized attachments to thedrainage system. Pipework shall be supported. Theloads that will beexerted by the sanitary appliances and drainage system inoperationshall be taken into account when designing the supportsystem.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London SouthBank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, UncontrolledCopy, (c) BSIPage 13EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-20006 InstaIIation ofwaste water pipes6.1 FixingThe waste water pipe shall be safely andsecurely fixed to the structure. Fixingsappropriate to the pipematerial and the supporting structure shall be installedinaccordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.6.2JointingThe jointing of wastewater discharge pipes and fittingsshall be made water and gastight according to the manufacturers'instructions using specified sealing techniques.6.3 Fixing andsupportingPipelines with joints, which allow longitudinal movement,shall be fixed and/or supported insuch a way as to ensure thatduring service the joint cannot become unintentionallydisconnected.Reaction forces shall be considered.6.4 Changes of directions andbranch pipe connectionsAny change of direction in pipelines orbranch pipe connections shall be made usingfittings.6.5 Connectionof pipes of different materiaIs and sizesThe connection of pipes ofdifferent materials and/or sizes shall only be made withpurposemade fittings.6.6 ThermaI movementThermal movement shall beconsidered. The pipe manufacturers' instructions shallbefollowed.6.7 InstaIIation in concrete or other fiIIsf wastewaterdischarge pipelines are installed in concrete or other fill,themanufacturers' instructions shall be followed. Pipelines andpipe joints shall beprotected against ingress of the surroundingfill material and be restrained fromdisplacement due to flotation.7InstaIIation of sanitary appIiances7.1 FixingSanitary appliancesshall be safely and securely fixed to the structure, usingfixingsand techniques recommended by the manufacturer.7.2ConnectionThe sanitary appliance shall be connected to thewastewater discharge pipe by usingthe manufacturer's recommendedfitting. f necessary the connecting fitting shallbesupported.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, LondonSouth Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008,Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 14EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-20008 FireprotectionWhere pipes penetrate a fire rated element (ceiling, wallor floor), the construction ofthe penetration seal shall have thesame fire resistance as the penetrated element orbe appropriate tothe building's design requirement. Details of penetration sealsforfire rated elements are found in the manufacturer'sinstructions.9 Sound insuIationWaste water discharge pipes andsanitary appliances shall be installed in such a waythat soundtransmission is within the limits set by national and localregulations andpractice.10 Instructions for operation, maintenanceand useA document giving instructions for operation, maintenanceand use of the wastewaterdischarge system and sanitary appliancesshall be prepared and made available forthe building owner oroccupier.11 TestingBoth tightness tests and performance tests maybe required by local practice or as acontractualrequirement.Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, LondonSouth Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008,Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 15EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-2000Annex A(informative)A.1 NationaI and IocaI reguIations and practiceThefollowing documents contain details which should be consideredwithin the frameworkof this standard. This list was correct at thetime of publication of this standard but shouldnot be considered tobe exhaustive. Users of this standard should check for thelatestapplicable documents.AustriaNORM B 2501 "Entwsserungsanlagenfr Gebude und Grundstcke; Bestimmungen frPlanung und Ausfhrung"NORMB 2506-1 "Regenwasser-Sickeranlagen fr Ablufe von Dachflchenundbefestigten Flchen Teil 1: Anwendung, hydraulische Bemessung,Bau und Betrieb"WAV Regelblatt 5 "Richtlinien fr die hydraulischeBerechnung von Abwasserkanlen"WAV Regelblatt 11 " Richtlinien frdie abwassertechnische Berechnung von Schmutz-,Regen- undMischwasserkanlen"BeIgiumAccording to the Royal Decree of24.06.1988 on the municipalities, drainage installationsinsidebuildings are of the competence of the municipalities. Drainagesystems have thus tocomply with the municipalregulations.DenmarkBygningsreglement BR 1995. Udgivet af By- ogBoligministeriet.Danish Building Regulation BR 1995. Published bythe National Building and HousingAgency.available from SchultznformationHerstedvang 10DK-2620 AlbertslundTelephone: + 45 43 63 2300Telefax: + 45 43 63 19 69DS 432:1994 Norm foraflbsinstallationer.DS 432:1994 Code of Practice for sanitarydrainage - Waste water installations.DS 432:1995/Ret.1 Norm foraflbsinstallationer.DS 432:1995/Corr.1 Code of Practice forsanitary drainage - Waste water installations.Licensed Copy: LondonSouth Bank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan 1509:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 16EN12056-5:2000 BS 09-2000FranceRglement sanitaire dpartemental, titre"Locaux d'habitation et assimils" (circulaire du9 aot 1978 modifiepar les circulaires des 26 avril 1982, 20 janvier 1983, 18 mai1984,31 juillet 1995, 22 mai 1997).GermanyNational regulationsrequire drainage system to be used.For EN 12056-1 refer to DN1986-1 and -2, DN EN 1610 and DN 18381.For EN 12056-2 refer to DN1986-1 and -2, DN EN 1610 and DN 18381.For EN 12056-3 refer to DN1986-1 and -2, DN EN 1610 and DN 18381.For EN 12056-4 refer to DN1986-1 and -2 and DN EN 12050-1 to -4.For EN 12056-5 refer to DN1986-1 and -2 and DN EN 1610 and DN 18381.IreIandNationalRegulations: Building Regulations 1997 Technical Guidance DocumentH Drainageand Waste Water Disposal.Local Regulations: LocalAuthorities have different requirements concerning the use oftypesof drainage systems, and the use of air admittance valves. DrainageSystem No 1 isthe accepted method of gravity drainage insidebuildings in reland.ItaIyLEGGE m.319 (Legge Merli) 10-05-76Normeper la tutela delle acque dall'inquinamento coordinate con lemodifiche edintegrazioni apportate dalla Legge 8/10/1976 n.690,dalla Legge 24/12/1979, n.650, dallaLegge 23/4/1981, n.153. G.U.n.48 del 21/2/1977Decreto Legge n. 544, 10-08-76Proroga dei terminidi cui agli articoli 15, 17 e 18 della Legge 319 (Legge Merli)del10/5/1976, recante G.U. n.211 dell'11/8/1976Delibera MNSTEROLL.PP. COMTATO MNSTR TUTELA ACQUE, 4-02-77Criteri, metodoligie enorme tecniche generali di cui all'Art. 2 lettera b), d), e) dellalegge319 (Legge Merli) del 10/5/1976, recante norme per la tuteladelle acque dall'inquinamentoDecreto Legge n.467, 24-09-79Prorogadei termini ed integrazioni delle Leggi 171 del 16/4/1973 e 319(Legge Merli) del10/5/1976, in materia di tutela delle acque dalloinquinamento, G.U. n.263 del 25/9/1979LEGGE n.650,24-12-79ntegrazioni e modifiche delle Leggi n.171 del 16/4/1973 en.319 del 10/5/1976 (LeggeMerli) in materia di tutela delle acquedall'inquinamento, G.U. n.352 del 29/12/1979Decreto Legge n.620,4-11-81Provvedimento urgenti in materia di tutela delle acque dalloinquinamento, G.U. n.303 del4/11/1981Licensed Copy: London SouthBank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIPage 17EN 12056-5:2000 BS09-2000LEGGE n.62, 5-03-82Conversione in legge, con modificazioni,del D.L. 30/12/1981 n. 801 concernenteprovvedimenti urgenti inmateria di tutela delle acque dallo inquinamento, G.U. n.63del5/3/1982Circolare n.3035/S/AC del MNSTERO DELL'AMBENTE,27-07-87ndagine sugli impianti di depurazione delle acque reflue,G.U. n.183 del 7/8/1987Decreto Legislativo n.132,27-01-92Attuazione della direttiva CEE n.80/68 concernente laprotezione delle acque sotterraneedall'inquinamento provocato daalcune sostanze pericolose, Suppl. Ord. n.24 alla G.U. n.41del19/2/1992Decreto n.309 del PRESDENTE DELLA REPUBBLCA,27-07-87Regolamento per l'organizzazione del Servizio per la tuteladelle acque, la disciplina deirifiuti, il risanamento del suolo ela prevenzione dell'inquinamento di natura fisica e delServizio perl'inquinamento acustico, atmosferico e per le industrie a rischodel Ministerodell'ambiente, G.U. n.136 dell'11/6/1992Decreto Leggen.454, 15-11-93Modifica alla disciplina degli scarichi dellepubbliche fognature e degli insediamenti civili chenon recapitanoin pubbliche fognature, G.U. n.268 del 15/11/1993Decreto Leggen.31, 14-01-94Modifica alla disciplina degli scarichi dellepubbliche fognature e degli insediamenti civili chenon recapitanoin pubbliche fognature, G.U. n.13 del 18/1/1994Decreto Legge n.177,17-03-94Modifiche alla disciplina degli scarichi delle pubblichefognature e degli insediamenti civiliche non recapitano inpubbliche fognature, G.U. n.64 del 18/3/1994Decreto Legge n.292,16-05-94Modifiche alla disciplina degli scarichi delle pubblichefognature e degli insediamenti civiliche non recapitano inpubbliche fognature, G.U. n.114 del 18/5/1994Decreto Legge n.449,15-07-94Modifiche alla disciplina degli scarichi delle pubblichefognature e degli insediamenti civiliche non recapitano inpubbliche fognature, nonch riorganizzazione degli organicollegialidel Ministero dell'Ambiente, G.U. n.166 del18/7/1994Decreto Legge n.537, 17-09-94Modifiche alla disciplinadegli scarichi delle pubbliche fognature e degli insediamenticiviliche non recapitano in pubbliche fognature, G.U. n.218 del17/9/1994Decreto Legge n.629, 16-11-94Modifica alla disciplinadegli scarichi delle pubbliche fognature e degli insediamenticivili chenon recapitano in pubbliche fognature, G.U. n.269 del17/11/1994Decreto Legge n.9, 16-01-95Modifica alla disciplina degliscarichi delle pubbliche fognature e degli insediamenti civilichenon recapitano in pubbliche fognature, G.U. n.12 del16/1/1995Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London SouthBank University, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, UncontrolledCopy, (c) BSIPage 18EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-2000LEGGE n.135,23-05-97Conversione in Legge, con modificazioni, del Decreto Legge25 marzo 1997, n.67, recantedisposizioni urgenti per favorirel'occupazione, G.U. n.119 del 24/5/1997NetherIandsNEN 3215Binnenriolering in woningen en woongebouwen -Eisen enbepalingsmethodenSewerage inside dwellings - Requirements anddetermination methodsNTR 3216 Binnenriolering - Richtlijn voorontwerp en uitvoeringSewerage inside dwellings - Guideline fordesign and installationSwedenBoverkets Byggregler BBR 94SwedishBuilding Regulations 94 with mandatory provisions and generaladvisory notesBoverkets Frfattningssamling BFS 1993:57, kapitel 6:Hygien, hlsa och miljCode of Statutes 1993:57 of the SwedishNational Board of Housing, Building and Planning,chapter 6:Hygiene, Health and EnvironmentVA-handboken 10- Vatten och avlopp(Svensk Byggtjnst)Water Supply and Sewer System Handbook 10 (SvenskByggtjnst)SwitzerIand1. National regulations require drainagesystem to be used.2. The permission of air admittance valves issubject to local bodies.3. Swiss standard SN 592000 is applicablefor all layout rules which are not contained inEN 12056 Parts 1 to5.United Kingdom1. Building Regulations 1991; Approved DocumentHavailable from Department of the Environment, Transport and theRegions (DETR)HMSO Publications CentrePO Box 276LondonSW8 5DTGreatBritainTelephone: + 44 171 873 9090Telefax: + 44 171 873 82002.Technical Standards for Compliance with the BuildingStandards(Scotland) Regulations 1990; Part M: Drainage and sanitaryfacilities.available from Scottish Office (SO)New St Andrew'sHouseEdinburghEH1 3TGGreat BritainTelephone: + 44 131 2444553Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South BankUniversity, Tue Jan 15 09:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy,(c) BSIPage 19EN 12056-5:2000 BS 09-20003. The Building Regulations(Northern reland) 1994; Technical booklet N: Drainage.availablefrom Department of the Environment for Northern reland (DON)c/oHMSO Bookshops16 Arthur StreetBelfastBT1 4GDGreat BritainTelephone:+ 44 1232 238451Telefax: + 44 1232 2354014. National annexes to BSEN 12056-25. National annexes to BS EN 12056-3Licensed Copy: LondonSouth Bank University, London South Bank University, Tue Jan 1509:05:56 GMT+00:00 2008, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSIBSEN12056-5:2000BSI389 Chiswick High RoadLondonW44ALBSIBritish Standards InstitutionBSI is the independent national bodyresponsible for preparing British Standards. Itpresents the UK viewon standards in Europe and at the international level. Itisincorporated by Royal Charter.RevisionsBritish Standards areupdated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standardsshouldmake sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions.It isthe constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products andservices. 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