You can edit the password store using ordinary unix shell commands alongside the pass command. There are no funky file formats or new paradigms to learn. There is bash completion so that you can simply hit tab to fill in names and commands, as well as completion for zsh and fish available in the completion folder. The very active community has produced many impressive clients and GUIs for other platforms as well as extensions for pass itself.
PW Client Renamer
Thanks for your feedback. I understand how the PW database system works with filename and document names and realize that even if the top file is renamed that the versions under it will remane the old filename. The problem is that when working with strict cleint specific filenameing convention where the file name(#) matches the drawing name(#) we need to keep them all intact so when we export the file to a non PW user they still follow the client standard.
smbclient [-M--message=HOST] [-I--ip-address=IP] [-E--stderr] [-L--list=HOST] [-T--tar=IXFvgbNan] [-D--directory=DIR] [-b--send-buffer=BYTES] [-t--timeout=SECONDS] [-p--port=PORT] [-g--grepable] [-q--quiet] [-B--browse] [-?--help] [--usage] [-d--debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL] [--debug-stdout] [-s--configfile=CONFIGFILE] [--option=name=value] [-l--log-basename=LOGFILEBASE] [--leak-report] [--leak-report-full] [-R--name-resolve=NAME-RESOLVE-ORDER] [-O--socket-options=SOCKETOPTIONS] [-m--max-protocol=MAXPROTOCOL] [-n--netbiosname=NETBIOSNAME] [--netbios-scope=SCOPE] [-W--workgroup=WORKGROUP] [--realm=REALM] [-U--user=[DOMAIN/]USERNAME%[PASSWORD]] [-N--no-pass] [--password=STRING] [--pw-nt-hash] [-A--authentication-file=FILE] [-P--machine-pass] [--simple-bind-dn=DN] [--use-kerberos=desiredrequiredoff] [--use-krb5-ccache=CCACHE] [--use-winbind-ccache] [--client-protection=signencryptoff] [-V--version] [-c--command=STRING]
smbclient is a client that can'talk' to an SMB/CIFS server. It offers an interfacesimilar to that of the ftp program (see ftp(1)).Operations include things like getting files from the serverto the local machine, putting files from the local machine tothe server, retrieving directory information from the serverand so on.
The server name is looked up according to eitherthe -R--name-resolve parameter to smbclient orusing the name resolve order parameter inthe smb.conf(5) file,allowing an administrator to change the order and methodsby which server names are looked up.
There is no default password. If no password is suppliedon the command line (either by using this parameter or addinga password to the -U option (seebelow)) and the -N option is notspecified, the client will prompt for a password, even ifthe desired service does not require one. (If no password isrequired, simply press ENTER to provide a null password.)
This allows the user to select thehighest SMB protocol level that smbclient will use toconnect to the server. By default this is set tohighest available SMB3 protocol version.To connect using SMB2 or SMB1 protocol, use thestrings SMB2 or NT1 respectively. Note that to connectto a Windows 2012 server with encrypted transport selectinga max-protocol of SMB3 is required.
Normally the client would attempt to locate a namedSMB/CIFS server by looking it up via the NetBIOS name resolutionmechanism described above in the name resolve orderparameter above. Using this parameter will force the clientto assume that the server is on the machine with the specified IPaddress and the NetBIOS name component of the resource beingconnected to will be ignored.
This option allows you to look at what servicesare available on a server. You use it as smbclient -Lhost and a list should appear. The -I option may be useful if your NetBIOS names don'tmatch your TCP/IP DNS host names or if you are trying to reach ahost on another network.
When sending or receiving files, smbclient uses aninternal buffer sized by the maximum number of allowed requeststo the connected server. This command allows this size to be set to anyrange between 0 (which means use the default server controlled size) bytesand 16776960 (0xFFFF00) bytes. Using the server controlled size is themost efficient as smbclient will pipeline as many simultaneous reads orwrites needed to keep the server as busy as possible. Setting this toany other size will slow down the transfer. This can also be setusing the iosize command inside smbclient.
This allows the user to tune the defaulttimeout used for each SMB request. The default setting is20 seconds. Increase it if requests to the server sometimestime out. This can happen when SMB3 encryption is selectedand smbclient is overwhelming the server with requests.This can also be set using the timeoutcommand inside smbclient.
smbclient's tar option now supports longfile names both on backup and restore. However, the full pathname of the file must be less than 1024 bytes.Also, whena tar archive is created, smbclient's tar option places allfiles in the archive with relative names, not absolute names.
The file specified contains the configuration detailsrequired by the client. The information in this filecan be general for client and server or only provideclient specific like options such asclient smb encrypt. See$prefix/etc/smb.conf for more information. The defaultconfiguration file name is determined at compile time.
Set the SMB domain of the username. This overridesthe default domain which is the domain defined insmb.conf. If the domain specified is the same as theservers NetBIOS name, it causes the client to log onusing the servers local SAM (as opposed to the DomainSAM).
If %PASSWORD is not specified, the user will beprompted. The client will first check theUSER environment variable(which is also permitted to also contain thepassword separated by a %), then theLOGNAME variable (which is notpermitted to contain a password) and if either exists,the value is used. If these environmentalvariables are not found, the usernamefound in a Kerberos Credentials cache may be used.
Be cautious about including passwords in scriptsor passing user-supplied values onto the command line. Forsecurity it is better to let the Samba client tool ask for thepassword if needed, or obtain the password once with kinit.
Be cautious about including passwords inscripts or passing user-supplied values ontothe command line. For security it is better tolet the Samba client tool ask for the passwordif needed, or obtain the password once withkinit.
This parameter determines whether Samba client tools will try to authenticate using Kerberos. For Kerberos authentication you need to use dns names instead of IP addresses when connecting to a service.
The prompt indicates that the client is ready and waiting tocarry out a user command. Each command is a single word, optionallyfollowed by parameters specific to that command. Command and parametersare space-delimited unless these notes specificallystate otherwise. All commands are case-insensitive. Parameters tocommands may or may not be case sensitive, depending on the command.
This command depends on the server supporting the CIFSUNIX extensions and will fail if the server does not. The client requests that the serverchange the UNIX permissions to the given octal mode, in standard UNIX format.
This command depends on the server supporting the CIFSUNIX extensions and will fail if the server does not. The client requests that the serverchange the UNIX user and group ownership to the given decimal values. Note there iscurrently no way to remotely look up the UNIX uid and gid values for a given name.This may be addressed in future versions of the CIFS UNIX extensions.
The client will request that the server attemptto delete all files and directories matching mask from the current workingdirectory on the server. Note this will recursively delete files and directories withinthe directories selected even without the recurse command being set. If any of the deleterequests fail the command will stop processing at that point, leaving files and directoriesnot yet processed untouched. This is by design.
Copy the file called remote file name fromthe server to the machine running the client. If specified, namethe local copy local file name. Note that all transfers insmbclient are binary. See also thelowercase command.
When sending or receiving files, smbclient uses aninternal buffer sized by the maximum number of allowed requeststo the connected server. This command allows this size to be set to anyrange between 0 (which means use the default server controlled size) bytesand 16776960 (0xFFFF00) bytes. Using the server controlled size is themost efficient as smbclient will pipeline as many simultaneous reads orwrites needed to keep the server as busy as possible. Setting this toany other size will slow down the transfer.
This command depends on the server supporting the CIFSUNIX extensions and will fail if the server does not. The client requests that the servercreate a hard link between the linkname and target files. The linkname filemust not exist.
Note that mask is interpreted differently during recursiveoperation and non-recursive operation - refer to the recurse andmask commands for more information. Note that all transfers insmbclient are binary. See also the lowercase command.
Note that mask is interpreted differently during recursiveoperation and non-recursive operation - refer to the recurse and maskcommands for more information. Note that all transfers in smbclientare binary.
This command depends on the server supporting the CIFSUNIX extensions and will fail if the server does not. Attempt to negotiateSMB encryption on this connection. If smbclient connected with kerberoscredentials (-k) the arguments to this command are ignored and the kerberoscredentials are used to negotiate GSSAPI signing and sealing instead. Seealso the -e option to smbclient to force encryption on initial connection.This command is new with Samba 3.2.
Copy the file called local file name from themachine running the client to the server. If specified,name the remote copy remote file name. Note that all transfersin smbclient are binary. See also the lowercase command. 2ff7e9595c