Tribute Spirits is a tribute album released on May 1, 1999 in memory of Japanese rock musician hide. It collects cover versions of his songs by various artists, among them most members of hide's former band X Japan.
It reached number one on the Oricon chart.[1] By the end of 1999 it sold 783,760 copies, making it the 31st best-selling album of the year.[2] It was certified double platinum by RIAJ in May 1999.[3] As of 2005, it was the top-selling tribute album in Japan.[1]
Hide Tribute Spirits
The two tribute albums will be the concluding parts of hide's 'SPIRITS' tribute album series. "Female SPIRITS" will feature 10 female artists, including Aoyama Thelma, AMIAYA, Koda Kumi, and Koyanagi Yuki, while "Rock SPIRITS" will feature various rock artists, such as CUTT, Kishidan, Kinniku Shojo Tai, GLAY, J (LUNA SEA), ZEPPET STORE, THE CHERRY COKE$, D'ERLANGER, THE NOVEMBERS, Mori Yukinojo, and Imai Hisashi (BUCK-TICK).
hide Tribute Impulse2018.06.0601.Dragon Ash: ROCKET DIVE02.MIYAVI: Pink Spider03.FLOW: DOD (DRINK OR DIE)04.Cocco: GOOD BYE05.Takashi Nishikawa: ever free06.HISASHI YOW-ROW: DOUBT07.ACID ANDROID: ELECTRIC CUCUMBER08.BREAKERZ: EYES LOVE YOU09.SEXFRiEND: Bacteria10.GRANRODEO: TELL ME11.hide: HURRY GO ROUND (hide vocal Take 2)
This 2004 release finds three ex-members of Earth, Wind & Fire -- Larry Dunn on keyboards, Sheldon Reynolds on lead vocals and guitar, and Morris Pleasure on bass, keyboards, and trumpet -- paying tribute to their former band with generally likable, if uneven, results. Among R&B connoisseurs, it goes without saying that EWF were one of the most visionary bands of the '70s. That's the Way of the World, Gratitude, Open Our Eyes, and Spirit went down in history as soul/funk classics -- and although many EWF fans agree that they jumped the shark around 1982, some of their post-1982 albums have been worthwhile even though they fall short of the magnificence of their best '70s output. What Dunn, Reynolds, and Pleasure come up with on this 71-minute CD feels a lot like so much post-1982 EWF; it isn't like hearing EWF during their '70s heyday, but it isn't bad either. Instead of trying to provide carbon copies of the original versions of EWF's '70s and early-'80s recordings, Devoted Spirits are closer to the downsized, more keyboards-minded EWF of the late '80s, '90s, and early 2000s. Hip-hop is an influence, and a certain jazziness finds its way to arrangements of hits like "Serpentine Fire," "Can't Hide Love," "Devotion," and "September." Not that EWF isn't jazz-influenced; Maurice White once played drums in the Ramsey Lewis Trio, for God's sake. But the jazz influence is a bit stronger here than it is on most of EWF's albums. This disc has its weak moments; Devoted Spirits' boring smooth jazz version of "After the Love Is Gone" isn't much better than Kenny G's mind-numbing elevator music. But while no one will mistake A Tribute to Earth, Wind & Fire for Spirit or Open Our Eyes, it's a generally decent effort that isn't without its pleasures.
View the President's Remarks Listen to the President's Remarks 10:03 A.M. CST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. Thankyou, all. I thought for a while, when they told me that Iwas going to receive a gift here that old Chuck was going to bring apretzel. (Laughter.) Those kind that are easy tochew. (Laughter.) If my mother is listening --Mother, I should have listened to you, always chew your pretzels beforeyou swallow. (Laughter and applause.) When I work the rope lines people bring their children -- I alwaysturn to the child, especially the teenagers and say, listen to yourmother, it's the best advice I can give you. I, obviously,needed to do the same thing last night. But I'm feeling great and so honored to be here. Thankyou very much for letting me come to this fantasticplant. (Applause.) I'm impressed by the size ofthese monsters. (Laughter.) It kind of makes methink I need a bigger ranch. (Laughter.) I'm also impressed by the quality of thework. (Applause.) It's a great tribute to the menand women who work the floor here, which is a great tribute to thecountry, that we've got such good workers; such an entrepreneurialspirit. And part of my job is to make sure we preserve thatspirit. It's also an honor to be here on the MississippiRiver. The River really links our country together, and soI'm going to start here and then I'm going to go down to Missouri, totalk to some farmers. And then I'm going to go down to NewOrleans, to the Port of New Orleans, from whence your product and theproducts you help harvest leave our country for foreign markets.It's my way of doing a couple of things. One, remindingAmerica about how important the food and fiber system is to oureconomy; reminding America that those who grow food and those who helpthe farmers harvest that food are an incredibly important part to thefuture of our country. The food and fiber industryrepresents $1.3 trillion of gross domestic product in the year2000. It employed over 24 million people. I'm also here not only to remind people about the importance offood and fiber, but to remind people that we need to make sure wecreate jobs in this country. And I've got some ideas I wantto share with you on how we do just that. There's no betterplace to do this than on the mighty MississippiRiver. (Applause.) I appreciate members of my Cabinet traveling withme: Secretary Evans and Secretary Veneman, both of whom aredoing a fine job representing all segments of our society. Iwant to thank members of the United States Congress who arehere: Senator Harkin, from Iowa; Senator Fitzgerald, fromIllinois. Thank you both for beinghere. (Applause.) I appreciate a member of the United States House, Lane Evans, whorepresents this district. (Applause.) And theymust have changed the immigration laws, because they let twocongressmen from Iowa inhere. (Laughter.) Congressman Ganske andCongressman Leach, thank you both for coming. (Applause.) I appreciate the Mayor of East Moline and the Mayor of Moline forgreeting me here today. Thank you both forcoming. I want to thank the officers of JohnDeere. I want to thank Bob Lane and JohnGault. And I want to thank Chuck Thompson and all thehard-working folks here at this plant. Thank you forgreeting me. It's my honor to behere. (Applause.) The role of government is not to create wealth. The roleof government is to create conditions in which jobs are created, inwhich people can find work. And I want to share with yousome of my thoughts about how best to do that. The first condition to make sure that people can find work is tomake sure our nation is secure, secure against an enemy that wants toattack us. That starts with having a robust, active, stronghomeland security for our country. People say, what does that mean? Well, it means any timeyou get a hint that somebody wants to harm us, you do something aboutit. It means you share intelligence with people all acrossthe world, so that we know if somebody is coming our way. Itmeans we've changed the nature of our law enforcement, so thatpreventing an attack is the number one priority of the FBI and locallaw enforcement. It means we're going to have our ears up,and our eyes open. It means we'll be alert. Andit means if we catch anybody trying to harm America, or thinking aboutharming America, we're going to bring them tojustice. (Applause.) Bob mentioned the confidence of the American consumer, and there'sno question the attacks on America on 9/11 have affected ourconfidence. But the more the American citizen realizes thatour federal government, in combination with state government and localauthorities, are working day in and day out to prevent any other kindof attack -- confidence will return. But I want to remind my fellow citizens this, that the best way tosecure the homeland of America is to find the enemy where they thinkthey can hide and bring them to justice, no matter where theyare. It's amazing to me that we've got an enemy, on the onehand, that's willing to convince young males to commit suicide onbehalf of a cause that's empty and, at the same time, try to escape thejustice of America in caves. They can run, they think they can hide, but this patient, strongnation will stay on the job until we find them, rout them out and get'em. I'm proud of our military. And for those of you who havegot sons and daughters or brothers and sisters or moms and dads wearingthe uniform, you need to be proud, too. They'reaccomplishing the mission that we set out; a mission that is dangerous;a mission that is just. After all, we are fighting for thefreedoms -- the freedom to live the life the way you want to; thefreedom to worship the way you want to; and the chance for our childrenand our grandchildren to grow up in a peaceful and safe society. The enemy made a mistake. They thought this nation wassoft. They thought because we're a wealthy nation that wewouldn't rise to the occasion. Oh, my, are theywrong. (Applause.) A second way to make sure we've got sustained economic growth is tomake sure our public school system works well. Recently,last week, I had the honor of traveling the country touting the factthat I was able to sign a good educationbill. (Applause.) I know I shockedpeople when I stood up and said, Ted Kennedy is allright. (Laughter.) Probably shocked him more thananybody else. (Laughter.) But we showed what can happen in Washington when you put partypolitics aside and focus on what's good for the country. Andwhat's good for the country is to make sure our education systemproduces smart, intelligent, literate children. And thisbill I signed goes a long way for helping. It's a greatpiece of legislation, and I want to thank both Republicans andDemocrats for working with me to get an education bill that America canbe proud of. (Applause.) I believe the third condition necessary to make sure people canfind work, and those who have work can work harder, is to make surethat we open up the world for American products. Fearfulpeople want to build walls around America. Confident peoplebelieve we ought to tear them down. I'm confident in theAmerican worker. I know the American worker can outproduceanybody, anywhere in the world. (Applause.) I'm confident in the American farmer. I know theAmerican farmer is more efficient, and can raise more crop thananybody, anywhere in the world. I'm confident we need toopen up markets, not close them down. I'm confident we'vegot to get my friend Putin to be buying John Deereproducts. (Applause.) I'm confident what thisnation needs is to level the playing field, and have trade that willcreate jobs all across America. The fourth ingredient is to make sure we've got an energy supply,as we head into the future. I oftentimes talk about howimportant it is to have -- to be able to grow your ownfood. Part of the national security of the country is toknow that we're self-sufficient when it comes to food production, thatwe can grow our own food, we don't have to rely upon another nation tofeed our people. It's one of the luxuries this nation has. We don't have the same luxury when it comes toenergy. We are too reliant upon foreign sources of crudeoil. We've got to do a better job of not only conservingenergy, but it seems to make sense to me that when we've got energy onour own hemisphere, and in our own states, we ought to explore for it,to make us less reliant. It's in the national securityinterests of our country to have an energypolicy. (Applause.) And we need to get Congress to act on a good one. It'sone that will make us less reliant. It's one that encouragesmore conservation. And it's one that's good for Americanworkers and American jobs. And, finally, in order to make sure we have jobs; in order to makesure the economy expands, we've got to have good economic policy out ofWashington, D.C. I know there's a difference of opinion onabout what's good economic policy. But mine starts withsaying this -- and when the economy slows down, one of the best thingswe can do is let people keep their own money so they can spendit. If the economy slows down, one of the best answers istax relief. It trusts local people to spend the money theway they want to see fit. (Applause.) If you have more money in your pocket, you buy more things, whichencourages more production. Consumer demand is stimulated bytax relief. And the great thing about our society is whenconsumers demand, generally somebody is there toproduce. And so there's more jobs as more production takesplace. Now, there's going to be a debate when we go back to Washingtonabout tax relief. But I've made up my mind, the tax reliefplan we passed -- which you're now beginning to feel the effects of --is going to be permanent. (Applause.) There are some more things that we can do. We need totake care of the workers whose lives were affected as a result of theevil ones attacks, by extending unemployment benefits and by helpingwith their health care. I'm confident we can find commonground in Washington, D.C. and a way to help people. But, you know something? Americans don't want anunemployment check. Americans want a permanent paycheck, andthat's got to be the mission of any good stimuluspackage. (Applause.) So we need to work together to figure out ways to createstimulus. Deductibility for more equipment purchased;speeding up tax relief. There are some positive things wecan do. We make up our minds to do it, that will give alittle extra umph to an economic recovery that I hope is beginning tohappen. So those are some of the thoughts I wanted to share with you as Itravel down the Mississippi River. Good stimulus policy,good economic policy, based on trusting people with their own money,good education policy, good trade policy, and a good policy to bringthese terrorists to justice. You know, I am amazed that anybody would think they can attack thecountry. They just didn't understand us. But Iunderstand the great strength of our country. And it's thepeople. It's the people that live all across ourland. I don't care whether you're a Democrat or Republicanor independent, it's the people that make us great. You knowwhy? Because this nation is a nation of heart and soul andstrength. I am so pleased to hear the stories of moms and dads sitting aroundtheir dinner table, asking the fundamental question about life, peopleassessing their values. What's the most important thing inlife, and moms and dads realizing it's to love your children with allyour heart, and all your soul. No, the evil ones struck us,and they did serious damage. But in so doing, they reallylifted the spirit of the country in a unique way. Theybrought out the very best in America. The best in America takes place when somebody walks across thestreet and says to a neighbor in need, what can I do to helpyou? Somebody knows, or somebody's shut-in, and says, Ithink I'm going to go spread a little love today. The bestof America takes place is in our churches and synagogues and mosques,when people walk out, and listen to that call to love a neighbor likeyou'd like to be loved yourself, and then do something about it. All this takes place, by the way, these millions acts of kindness,on a daily basis, which helps define the soul and spirit ofAmerica. It takes place not because of government, it takesplace because of the people of the greatest land on the face of theearth. My call to you is, work hard like you do, love a neighbor likeyou'd like to be loved yourself. Love yourchildren. Tell them you love them every singleday. Make sure they turn off the TV, so they become goodreaders. (Laughter.) And always remember, thatwe're lucky to live in such a fabulous nation, the nation calledAmerica. (Applause.) Thank you all. (Applause.) END 10:21 A.M. CST Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend IssuesBudget Management
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